Claim Information
Claim reporting center is open 24 hours. When reporting a claim for the first time please have your policy number ready. You will be asked for a complete description of the claim during the call.
American Modern: 1-800-588-7400
Am Trust: 1-888-239-3909
Appalachian Underwriters: Please contact the agency at 513-471-1400
Auto Owners Insurance: Please contact the agency at 513-471-1400
Berkshire Hathaway: 1-800-356-5750
Bristol West: 1-800-274-7865
CNA Surety: 1-877-672-6115
Commonwealth: 1-877-603-1310
Dairyland Insurance: 1-800-334-0090
Foremost Insurance: 1-800-527-3907
Founders Insurance: 1-888-676-4342
Gainsco: 1-866-424-6726
GEICO: 1-800-841-3000
Glacier Insurance: 1-800-394-2423
Grange Insurance Company: 1-800-445-3030
Grinnell Mutual Insurance: 1-877-467-2252
Hanover Insurance: 1-800-628-0250
Independent Mutual Fire Insurance Company: 1-800-248-7072
J.C. Taylor: 1-800-272-6764
Lancer Insurance: 1-800-521-6155
Mapfre Insurance: 1-855-627-3737
National General: 1-800-468-3466
Nationwide Insurance: 1-800-421-3535
Openly Insurance: 1-888-808-4842
Steadily: 1-888-966-1611
Stillwater Insurance: 1-800-220-1351
Trexis: 1-877-584-7466
US Assure: 1-800-987-3373
Westfield Insurance: 1-800-243-0210, Option 3